Saturday, 1 August 2009



In 2003 the Local Government Information Unit (LGiU) brought out the above guide for city/county councillors explaining their legal responsibilities towards children in the care system.

The document was prepared in conjunction with the then Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and backed by Margaret Hodge MBE, Minister for Children, Young People and Families. It was then buried in a hard to reach place of a Government website. One of our IT professionals only managed to obtain the information after navigating umpteen confusing links.

It is a matter of fact that many councillors are quite unaware of their statutory responsibility towards children in the care of their Local Authority, and as the Government don't seem particularly moved to inform them this blog has taken up the challenge.

Part 1 of the information pack explains that some 93,000 children are taken into care every year in the UK (Government Figures). 4500 of whom are farmed out for adoption (Our Figures). The LGiU go on to explain that - "Looked after children are not the sole responsibility of social services". This is correct.

When a court makes an Interim or Full Care Order, both the parents and the Local Authority are said to share parental responsibility. Any practitioner of Family Law can substantiate this. However this is not what the LGiU are talking about, for they continue - "The council as a whole is the corporate parent, and councillors have a key role in that."

According to the LGiU being a good corporate parent means: accepting responsibility for children in the council's care; making their needs a priority and seeking the same outcomes for these children as for their own.

This is not merely advice; it carries the force of law: - "The Children Act 1989 says health, housing and education should also help social services look after children in care."

And after weighing in by saying you councillors must help, the LGiU then proceed to detail just how. In part 2 they say - "As a corporate parent, you have a right and a duty to question your authority. Your council's scrutiny and executive functions and processes also offer you avenues through which to act."

The basic thrust of the guide is to say you councillors have the same responsibility towards children in care as you do your own. Don't leave it to social services. Investigate the welfare of Looked After Children for yourselves using internal procedures.

And while your at it, how about those 4500 who are farmed out for adoption every year? Do you realise that many of them have loving parents who are fighting tooth and nail to get them back but having their Article 8 Right to a Family Life trampled on by the courts?


  1. !!!!!!!!!!!!De Donde Sacan La Inocencia kate y Gerry MCcann¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ !!!Que pinta Remenber en este asesinato y las demostraciones de retratos robot""" PROTAGONISMO y LUCRO"""¡¡¡ !!!OPeración task está en un blog que és Remenber el propietario ¡¡¡ !!!El significado de operacion task proviene de la policia de leicestershire¡¡¡ !!! Qué pinta Remenber con operación task en su blog ¡¡¡ !!!ESTAN DEMASIADO AL CORRIENTE DE LOS PASOS DE LA POLICIA EL PORTAVOZ DE LOS MCCANNN¡¡¡ !!! QUE PASA QUE LOS ASESINOS ES EL MUNDO Y LOS CULPABLES SON INECENTES¡¡¡ !!!Que pinta Remenber en este asesinato¡¡¡ . !!!Porque un portavoz¡¡¡ !!! y portavoz de que¡¡¡ Lo que estan haciendo es poner al corriente de las investigaciones al portavoz de los MCcann. Remenber angel de la muerte, Este señor no pinta nada entre las investigaciones de los MCcnann y la voz que puede aportar es el deseo absoluto de los MCcann las investigaciones operacion task tienen que estar muy lejos del alcance de este trio opracion task es un fraude y Máfia organizada corrupción...
    !!!!!!!De adonde sacan los corruptos, la inocencia de los MCcann el sargento de scotland yard según dijo, le da la inmunidad nacional para no presentarse los MCcann en el juicio de Amaral ex-jefe de la policía lusa. Cuanto tubo que pagar Los MCcann para escuchar semejante burrada considerando que ellos son los asesino entre otras cosas.!!!!!!!"RENÚNCIA DEL CARGO Y DEL CUERPO EL PUESTO DE SARGENTO SE LE HACE MUY GRANDE" ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

    Caso Madeleine McCann - Los McCann solo gastaron el 13,3% del Fondo Madeleine para encontrar a su hija.Visto bueno y despiste de los MCcann cara al mundo y crear fondos...
    Este articulo está sacado del blog McCann Unravels

    remember said...
    Si, The McCanns still have alot of explaining yet to do.

    Si, Los McCann aún tienen mucho que explicar todavía.

    Estamos esperando.


    1 March 2010 14:18
    ponerlo en buenas manos gracias...
    Este árticulo está sacado del blog McCann Unravels y tengo duplicado de la página completa por si hay malos pensamientos...
    remember dijo...
    ¿Qué se pretende ocultar con tanto bombo y platillo?

    O ¿Qué se pretende demostrar?

    Son pruebas experimentales de manipulación de medios?

    Son experimentos para averiguar hasta dónde alcanza la capacidad de tragar de la Sociedad manipulada?

    Están buscando los límites?

    Firmado: Yo que pasaba por aquí como que por casualidad
    03 marzo, 2010 15:15

  2. "The document was prepared in conjunction with the then Department for Education and Skills (DfES) and backed by Margaret Hodge MBE, Minister for Children, Young People and Families. It was then buried in a hard to reach place of a Government website. One of our IT professionals only managed to obtain the information after navigating umpteen confusing links."

    great Post

    Call your family
